Five Habits Causes Mobile Damage


Since the phone is the closest things to us, making resilience it relies heavily on its owner. Many of the habits that directly or indirectly, the cause of the damage. Among them are :

1. Put on Vulnerable Place
Premises within easy reach of reasons, cell phones are often placed in any place. And because the phone was often hit and fell.

- Pouch clothes
Placing the phone in the shirt pocket its same to give up your mobile phone fell. Imagine if the fall in the bathroom or in the gutter?

- Pouch pants rear
Put the phone in the back pants pocket can cause damage to sensitive parts, such as in the phone display. This happens when we sit in the hard surface.

- Dashboard cars
For those accustomed to driving with a car, mobile phones are more comfortable in place on the dashboard. But this also causes conflict when we stepped on the brake suddenly. Car dashboard also often exposed to sunlight can also cause blank screen.

2. Charging the Battery for too Long
 Charging is often done at night before bed. In the hope when you wake up, the battery is fully charged and ready for use. But remember, if the tone is often done this, it will damage the battery. If the charger is used questionable quality.

3. Forced to Hard Work
 This may apply to all goods, the use of force too would be more easily damaged. Examples on the phone is when we use for modems that use rechargeable data cable. Though conditions have experienced overheated cell phone. The most rapid damage is the battery. Battery will into bloom.

4. Bluetooth Always On
 Virus cell phone into one of the causes of damage. Although not badly damaged a cell phone, but the virus is very disturbing phone performance. The spread of the virus is usually through the exchange of memory card or file transfer via bluetooth.

So, do not always let the Bluetooth is switched on after use. So does the memory card, do not get too often from the PC to other PC.

5. Using Counterfeit Gear
 Some accessories can make your phone so durable. Call it a wallet, mobile phone or a rubber condoms and anti-scratch protection on the phone screen.

False accessory that can cause damage that is associated with the phone's performance. For example battery and charger. Counterfeit batteries that are not in accordance with the standard provider, will eventually affect the phone. Because power may not suit your needs.

These tips may be useful for us :)

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