Disabling Driver Hardware Search Online


When you purchase a new hardware device, usually in the box included a CD containing the drivers. Or it could also have instructions for downloading it from the hardware vendor website. So you really do not bother looking through Windows Update. To disable this function, you only require a registry entry.


  1. open the registry editor (regedit.exe)
  2. navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DriverSearching"
  3. click on the right and make an entry 'DontPromptForWindowsUpdate' with the Edit l New l DWORD-Value '.
  4. double-click on the entry, give the value '1 'and click OK.
  5. With another DWORD value, you can disable the search entirely. Therefore, in the same key, create the value '1'. If this value is '0'or zero, another entry will determine whether the Windows search automatically or require configuration of your search.

Note: For all PC users, to disable the search function of this online driver, save the entry in the same way in 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DriverSearching'

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