Treat Mobile Charger


here I just want to share experiences about keeping the phone charger to more durable and not easily damaged. Probably most of what I write is my personal experience, so to share it. If one or less my response please wait.

1. Phone charger only with a special product. Example, the size plugs into nokia 3530 nokia 3230 with the same, but different forms chargernya. There are fat and smaller. If a larger charger (nokia 3530) is used in the nokia 3230 will not match the automatic entry of power. Charge time will be longer and the battery does not last long

2. do not leave the charger in the phone outlet when finished filling out the battery. Immediately remove the battery fully, because it can damage the charger

3. do not let the charger cable coiled, crushed objects (such as a chair) and tear.

4. Do not plug into a socket or a loose rocker

5. guard voltage stability.

after using, trim charger and put in place easily visible, so easy to find it.
Additionally, try to always use the original charger, because it is more durable than its quality also must be more secure. well, although more expensive if purchased separately in the form ..

hopely this tips may be useful :)


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